
About Us

Preventing environmental damage before it starts

A Lammergeier (Lam-mer-guy-er) is a rare bearded vulture found throughout the Alpine mountains of Europe. These birds are the waste disposals of our eco-system that convert nature’s remains into nutrients for our environment. The vulture’s closed-loop process is crucial to our planet by making sure that harmful pollution and waste get reduced and reused! 

We thought it only natural to name our company after such a mesmerizing and efficient bird!

plus, they wear cool feather pants!

Our mission is to emulate the success of European initiatives by offering local recycling education services for the community. The core values that we stand for ensure that glass remains inside of a closed-loop system to prevent environmental damage before it starts. By working with our community and the end markets that need more glass, together we can take actionable steps that reduce the effects of climate change.

Why Choose Us

Locally Operated

Small businesses enrich our everyday lives with value and bring prosperity to our community. By supporting local, your efforts help us to achieve positive change.

Local Education Services

With so much information at our fingertips, it's not always easy to know how we can help. Our services create access to environmental education that's specific to our area.

We Give Back to The Community

Our initiatives bring the community together to solve problems with waste. From litter clean-up events to neighborhood meetings, our goal is to improve where we live.

True Environmental Sustainability

We believe that actions taken today should ensure a better tomorrow. Each step we take focuses on building long-term solutions that truly sustain our environment for future generations.

We Are Here To Help

If you have any questions, click the link below to send us a message!

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