Curbside Service


All recyclable materials get mixed together in one bin. A majority of the United States uses this system. While easier on the consumer, it is the least effective for collecting high-quality, contaminate-free recycling. Click Here to learn about single-stream in Savannah!


A sub-system of multi-stream, dual-stream incorporates a second recycling bin for one material to be sorted and saved by the consumer. Out of the three curbside collection methods, this system has the highest success rate for collecting the cleanest material to recycle.


Also called "source separated", recyclables get sorted by the consumer into dedicated bins and collected using compartmentalized trucks. This system is widely used in Europe with Germany leading the pack at a whopping 70% recycling rate for municipal solid waste!

Consumer Transport


The consumer saves recyclables, taking them to a centralized location. Either single-stream or multi-stream methods are used where large volume containers are labeled for accepted materials. This system results in average quality recycling which is often difficult to track. Municipal and County drop-off sites are funded by the consumer's tax dollars. 

Bottle Deposit

10 states nation wide have enacted a legislative measure called the "Bottle Bill" where consumers return recyclables for a refund. While the cost of the product is increased to account for the deposit, this system incentivizes the consumer to recycle so they can get their money back. It also produces the most successful recycling rates.